For a writer, few things hurt more than writer's block. That mysterious fog that seems to encompass the brain and limit one's creativity. This fog was especially stifling after I completed my college applications and was forced to wait for what I hoped were acceptances. During this time I questioned a lot of things. I questioned the time spent working on school work over football games in high school. I questioned my writing abilities. I questioned myself.
I am my worst critic. As the Editor-in-chief of my school's paper, I've made it my job to edit things to perfection - to ensure that everything is left in a better package. Yet as a blogger, I've come to realize that I must ignore that voice in my head and allow some of the imperfections to show. These kinks are the very things that make my writing different from the next writer and blogger. In the midst of all of this, I remembered a single lyric from Andy Mineo's song, "You Can't Stop Me". Oddly enough I tend to go to this song whenever I get bogged down in my soul, and that day a different lyric stuck with me. He said that "my biggest enemy is me and even I can't stop me". This lyric applies to all of us, but it surely applied to me during this situation. So many times we allow ourselves to come in between what we love yet, in the end, we must make a decision to either give up or persevere.
To those experiencing writer's block I just wanted to say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Your concerns are valid. You CAN beat this because there is always an ending and a beginning. You will not be in the dark forever, Hold out and wait for the light because it always comes. It may not always be in sight, but hold out for it because once you grab hold onto it you will be so happy you went through the trials.
How do you deal with writer's block?