In case you haven't noticed, I haven't posted in a few months now. Not only was I plagued by a bad case of writer's block, but I also watch my social life implode and rebuild within a matter of a few months (more on that later). Needless to say, that wasn't the best environment for proper blog content, but that's okay, because I'm back for the New Year. Not only am I surer of my identity as a blogger, but I now plan to unveil my plan for this blog. Don't worry I'm not planning on making some mega big changes like last year, but I am planning on doing a bit of rebranding.
a n e w d i r e c t i o n
I never intended for this blog to be about everything, and I feel like I've really managed to stay on track contentwise, however, I feel like I want to slightly rebrand the content under the "my thoughts" page. I want this page to truly be an outlet for not only my opinions but yours too, almost like a glorified chat room. Except this would be slightly more structured. Expect to see new blog posts with the "my thoughts" tag where I will actually share my opinion or thoughts on a specific subject. Think of this page as being a more op-ed focused page where the pieces are more about current events and pop culture. I'm really excited about this slight change and hope that you guys will follow along for the ride. I would love if you suggested some topics that you would like my take on in the comments because I'd really love your input as I embark on changing this part of my blog.
I will also be adding advice on this blog. I feel like I strayed away from this after I began blogging not only here, but also on YouTube and I really intend for 2018 to be the year where I help others since I've already experienced so much in my years here on this planet. Anyway, more on how I will be implementing that here on this blog will come in the future so keep your eyes peeled.
I will also be adding advice on this blog. I feel like I strayed away from this after I began blogging not only here, but also on YouTube and I really intend for 2018 to be the year where I help others since I've already experienced so much in my years here on this planet. Anyway, more on how I will be implementing that here on this blog will come in the future so keep your eyes peeled.
a n e w t h e m e
I really hope that you like the new theme that I chose. In case you can't tell already I am slightly indecisive when it comes to the aesthetic areas of this blog. I really want to make it look great, but in life sometimes you have to stop take a breath and stop comparing yourself to others. I will say that I like how it all turned out. :)
m y w o r d f o r 2 0 1 8
This year my word of the year is f o c u s. This year is going to be tough for all the right reasons. I'm going to start out my last year of high school and begin applying to colleges! With all that being said it'll be very easy for me to fall into a slump and "forget" about my online responsibilities like my blog and YouTube. It'll be super easy for me to take my eyes off the goal and get senioritis because "everyone else has it". That's why this year I really have to focus in on my end goal and actively work towards it. I can't allow myself to settle and make excuses for why I'm not reaching the goals I'm setting for myself.
I also tend to pair my word for the year with a lyric or quote that I'm really into. This year that would be a lyric from Andy Mineo's "You Can't Stop Me" song which states that you always have two choices.
Make moves or make excuses
I have this displayed on the mirror in my room just so that I can be reminded on a daily basis what my choices are. I really suggest adopting a song lyric or quote that you can truly connect with when choosing your word of the year because I feel like that's when the word begins to actually have power in your life.