When I was planning out this month's posts I really felt like this was a topic I needed to write about because it's something I've struggled to do. It's hard to be fully present because there's always a half-a-dozen things drawing my attention, but when I'm intentional with my time I know I can live a life more fulfilled. That's why I thought I would give you guys 5 tips to be more present in your own life.
This is such a late monthly update, but better late then never...right? I won't lie moving into a college dorm really gave me a chance to see how my time would be spent in college. It's hard balancing work and a social life which is why I took a little time to get oriented before coming back to this blog. I had some blog posts that were scheduled to go up, but they weren't fully done which is why some of you guys saw some blank posts. Regardless, there's no excuse and I promise to be better now that I know what my time is going to look like in the fall. Anyway, here are my favorite moments in June.
The biggest thing that happened in June was moving to W&L for a 5-week summer program. I never expected to make so many friends and have so much fun on this trip. I know I mentioned this program in a previous blog post, but back then I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had no idea I was walking into an incredible program that would help improve my leadership skills and broaden my educational horizon. Nevertheless, in those short 5 weeks, I got that and more. I would go further into all that I did, but many of the moments I highlighted in this post come from things I did during this program, so I'll leave it to those.
While in Virginia I had the chance to visit Goshen falls which is a popular spot in the Rockbridge area. Even though it wasn't hot we still got a chance to enjoy the water and picnic in the sun. IF you're ever in the area I would totally recommend giving it a shot.
At this point, you're probably tired of hearing about the places I got to visit in Virginia, but I couldn't not include my trip to the famous Blackfriars Theatre. This theatre is the only theatre in the world to be modeled after Shakespeare's indoor theatre. Getting to see Julius Caesar on stage was such a great experience and I'm so thankful AIM gave me an opportunity to see this in person.
My AIM program experience focused on the life of a journalist since I was in the journalism immersion. This meant I got to conduct interviews, write scripts for video packages, and anchor for an online news broadcast. This experience was nothing less than amazing because it allowed me to see that this could be the thing I want to do in the future.
1 | W&L AIM Program
2 | Visit Goshen Falls, VA
While in Virginia I had the chance to visit Goshen falls which is a popular spot in the Rockbridge area. Even though it wasn't hot we still got a chance to enjoy the water and picnic in the sun. IF you're ever in the area I would totally recommend giving it a shot.
3 | First Drive-In Movie
I don't know about you, but there are no drive-in movies where I'm from. We do sometimes have movies on the lawn, but never something like this. Yet I got to visit Hulls Drive-in while I was in Virginia and it was such a great experience - even if I probably should have packed warmer clothes to wear. We got to watch Toy Story 4 and the new live-action Aladdin movie. I loved Aladdin...Toy Story 4 not so much, but it was still a great time!4 | Saw Julius Cesear at Blackfriars Playhouse
5 | Journalism Shenanigans
6 | Survived My First Spin Class
While in Virginia, I had a chance to try out my first spin class. I won't lie, really loved it. I tried out a SPLIT class that spends 25 minutes on the bike and 20 in the gym and it was really fun. I love workouts that are fun, but challenging and I think this was a great mix of the both. I also know that the bikes will help increase my stamina which is always helpful.
7 | Reconnected with old friends
Throughout my college application process, I had the chance to visit many schools through various fly-in programs. This allowed me to truly see what college life could look like for me. It also allowed me to meet a ton of amazing people who will probably do some amazing things at the institutions they wound up in. Over June I happened to reconnect with some of the friends I met with on these trips and am so excited to see these relationships bloom further. It just goes to show you never know the impact the people in your life will have on you.What did you do this past June?

Hi there! I'm your not-so-average college junior who enjoys writing and filming/editing for my YouTube channel. When I'm not working out a kink on my personal blog you can normally find me stressing over a journalism assignment.
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