Written: 2/26/15
We loss. What should've been our 5th soccer game quickly became our 2nd after a few weeks of rained out games and pure cold weather . Now I'm not sure about you, but I have figured out that Alabama weather is extremely bipolar. Just this past week our weather began at high 60s just to end the Friday at a "beautiful" low 40s. Either way back to our loss. I have experience in this department playing on both the varsity and junior varsity teams last year at my old school. We loss every game with the exception of 1 when I played on the JV team and won all games with the exception of 2 when I played on the varsity. I've slowly learned throughout my high school career that you have to stop and smell the roses. Maybe God was preparing me last year with a season littered with losses for yet another season of losses or maybe He was giving me a chance to check my ego and become apart of a team.
This may sound like the biggest cliche but life is not always about winning...(unless you're like me and am interested in playing at college.) This soccer season has already given me something that my last season never did.
The makings of plenty of lifelong relationships which for me being a pretty shy person is a pretty big deal. Last year my focus was on my skill and fighting for a spot on that starting lineup. I didn't have time to become friends with the girls on my team partly because of my competitive nature. My excuse always a form of "they were way older than me..."
- here's an away game selfie
or "we're fighting for the same starting position..."
This year just as our season opened I've learned that not only can I have friends I can be a friend. I can be a leader and mentor to girls on my team not just because of my experience in the game, but because I know there's an all inspiring God who will never leave nor forsake me.
To quote Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."